Little Mental Hygiene
The Easter arrived a little earlier this year, and the golgothas were not late either. It has been a long time no, every time one of them is passing by, it would pay us a visit.
Meanwhile, the burlesque called election campaign has befallen us, full of carnival masks and unscrupulous demagogy. It has never been paler and more hypocritical, because even buffoons no longer believe in their acts, but it is equally unbearable to an honest man. It would be good if we took it in the way that Kita Iki says for the Japanese: ”Suffice it to say that Japanese people finds it very strange to have a system where the head of the state must, through distasteful self-promotion, achieve victory in the elections, debased to the level of a bad actor. These people were brought up believing that silence is gold and moderation a virtue.”
Serbia has never been more colorful and noisier, but the people have not been so silent in over 200 years. They are silent, apparently disinterested in their own case. ”Common people are cattle”, they irritate them, sing to them, make them laugh, confuse them, poison them, flatter them, mock them, by them with leftovers from their table while robbing them of their ancestral property – but people are silent. There is no one to listen and understand. Today’s Miloš’ have put even their own heads into governor’s bags, feverishly watch every sign from the other side of the fence, keep their necessities always packed in a suitcase by the door, and tell stories about their strategy and thinking ahead.
At least the spring is here. Then there is always a solution. You sentence them to maximum punishment, switch off the blinking electronic monster, chase away those grinning apparitions, and slowly walk away into the blooming town, to the harvest of restoration images and aromas. Because it is dangerous to lean over such enormous hollowness.